Jasmine, 50 - 2269315620

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Ad Description

Delhi area TiCkLe mY ToEs😎 Or NibBlE mY NoSe👃 ThEy SaY Im tHaT iM PrEtTy👀 sO cOmE pEt My KiTtY🐈 AnD wItH GrEat ClAsS🤗 I'll SmAcK yOuR SwEeT AsS🙃 💋come play with BBW jasmine 46 discreet🤐😎😌 clean safe and private location never rush strap on play avail prostate massage avail hygiene top notch as kindly expected🛀 incall this week race irrelevant independant etransfer avail or💸 vids 30ea pics 15ea lets make our own video plz text only😎

Personal Details

  • Age 50
  • Language English

Shoot me a message and I promise I’ll reply!

Shoot me a message and I promise I’ll reply!

Hey guys I’m Kelly, a girl who has a lust for life and a lust to please men.