Sloane, 32

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Ad Description

You open the door and 2 green eyes look at you innocently,

warm brown curls fall around a
slightly tinted face.

Your eyes cant seem to let go of her, and she greets you without words first.

you come in close

Her curls fall around you and the warm nape of her neck smells like roses ,oudh and amber…

You step back

And as you take her coat there is a sweet tension you can not really place yet…

Together you walk towards the table which the host guides you to.

As you are walking electricity fills the air, there is something about this girl, and no
one seems to deny it.

You talk for a short while before you suddenly realize something: You like yourself more
when you are around her.

Your charm comes through easily, you relax and unwind. She likes you most when you are yourself.

Like a summer breeze: Being with her feels Familiar, sensual, and just so Refreshing.

Tease and good conversation fill the room.

As you finish up your time at the etablissement you already feel like you got more than what you came for.

As you transition into a taxi together, the door closes.

And you know

...The best is yet to come...

Personal Details

  • Age 32
  • Language Dutch