Monica, 25 - 07436854017

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Ad Description

Indulge in the Ultimate Sensual Experience with Me!

Originally hailing from the sunny shores of California, I ventured to London for grad school, only to discover my true passion lay in the art of sensuality. Allow me to introduce myself as your devoted sensual massage provider and intimate companion. With a warm and inviting demeanor, I am renowned for my gentle touch deep understanding, and bright smile.

In my world, every moment is an intimate escapade, because I firmly believe that every soul deserves to feel desired, genuinely appreciated, and deeply cared for. My approach is grounded in authenticity, where your most sensual self can truly blossom. I infuse thought and intention into every interaction, valuing the anticipation, arousal, and desire that make our experiences truly unforgettable.

As your sensual companion, I strive to forge enduring connections with all my suitors. Whether you seek the serenity of a massage session, the intimacy of private companionship, or the charm of social accompaniment. May it be to the theatre, dinners, or tea; I am here to create memorable moments tailored just for you.

Embracing my curvy and plus-size femininity, I extend my services to individuals of all genders, embracing the beauty of diversity. For those seeking even deeper connections, I delight in offering couple sessions, adding a touch of spice and tenderness to your shared experiences.

Personal Details

  • Age 25
  • Language English