Ivy, 24

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Ad Description

My name is Ivy, and I’ve been an amateur model for a while. I think it’s very fun and sexy, and it has really opened some doors for me. I was really nervous the first time I did a shoot as a model, but I wasn’t nervous about showing off my body. I’ve always been okay with people looking at me. I’m very proud of how I look physically. When people appreciate me, when they look at me and think I’m beautiful, it makes me happy. Modeling, though, is not the same as just realizing you’re pretty or that people like to check you out. It’s also about committing those pictures to a moment of time, and knowing that they’ll be preserved forever after that. You may not think at all about the sweet, hot, slutty little outfit you put on for a night out at a club, but it will give you second thoughts if you know that someone is going to take pictures of you that will then probably end up on the Internet and exist forever.

Personal Details

  • Age 24
  • Language English