
Do Jonesboro escorts feel empowered or do they feel used?

The work as a sex worker doesn’t suit everyone, you need to be very head strong and capable of not letting your emotions interfere with the demands that some clients want. If you don’t mind having sexual encounters with lots of different men and putting their cocks inside you, in your mouth and sometimes up your arse then you will be fine. I’m joking really, I enjoy my position, it gives me freedom, lots and lots of money and I’ve met some interesting men who are very wealthy and who I sometimes go out to dinner or to a show.


How do escorts feel about selling sex for money?

Well I find it empowering, having clients pay me to lick my feet, suck my tits and then I masturbate them. As a girl that works in massage parlours in Jonesboro what more could a girl want. A guy will pay me 200 dollars just to wank him off, I mean what’s not to like. Guys pay me to take me out for drinks, the buy me presents and then pay me to have sex with them, as far as I’m concerned the more girls that realise that giving it away for free to idiots on a Saturday night is crazy. On a Saturday night working as escorts in state I can make over a 1000 dollars.

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