Inga, 25 - 3055078012

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Ad Description

As upscale companions come, Inga remains to be one of our most valued escorts, whose physical attributes and sophistication have defined her as an upscale escort that is a class on her own.

University schooled, the 25 year old Inga is naturally endowed with the physical qualities that have made goddesses out of mortal women, with luscious breasts and fine shaped curves reminiscent of the ancient sculptures of Rome.

Matched with her healthy sense of humor, Inga’s a dear to be with during formal gatherings and occasions, a beauty who will surely stand out not just because of her finely tuned body, but also because of her finely tuned mind. From politics to art, Inga has no trouble with mingling with crowds, and is certainly refreshing to be with in private intimate moments.

As an escort catering to offer the ultimate girlfriend experience, Inga’s attention will only be focused on you, intent and driven to give you the best experience you can ever get to have with an upscale escort. Cool, clam and collected, you don’t have to put up fronts when talking with Inga, who is considerate and well aware of how to handle awkdward situations, making them more friendly and more fun.

Also skilled in the art of sensual and erotic dances, private stripteases are made more special with Inga, who knows just what you need, and how you want that need to be fulfilled.

With her gorgeous physique, sharp wit and sensuous charms, Inga is more than just a beautiful woman who looks good, but is one whom you’d yourself drawn to because of her refreshing personality.

Personal Details

  • Age 25
  • Language English