How has the Internet Changed the Lubbock escort Industry?

Love. Lust. Swipe left, not for me. Swipe right, potential, could something come of this? Whether you are looking for the one or for someone to have some fun with, you can find it with a simple tap of a download button; so put on your smile, take some selfies and get ready for the start of something new.

I bet a lot of you reading have experimented on at least one of these escorts in Lubbock Texas and if not had direct experience, the names will be familiar. Each of these apps have many stories to tell. But how have these platforms changed the escorts game?

Let’s jump back in time to the ‘Roaring 20s’. 1920, a decade full of culture, social and political change. The time of ‘The New Woman’. Fashion, sex and so called ‘un-ladylike’ chatter were often exchanged in a time where romantically, things could be considered easier. Tradition is still prominent. You’re at a dance, best lipstick on, cigarette in hand, and you see him. Suit, tie- check, hair gelled into place. You glance up from your whiskey, you see her. Exchanging first words, dancing the night away. This is the first chapter of your love story. One year on, you’re married, 4 years later you have a beautiful baby boy. Your love is written in the stars, your son learning from the best and later, retelling the way you looked into the pools of each other’s eyes and how that jazz band would soon write a love song meant for the two of you. And now your husband is visiting Asian massage parlors in Lubbock.

Fast forward: nightclubs, one night stands, messages left on read. Constant checks of your mobile phone, why have they not replied for 2 hours? Are they no longer interested? Oh no, they were last active only 15 minutes ago! Definitely not interested in me any more. “Ding Ding!”, they replied! Are we exclusive or just talking? Will they make things official or am I just another number for their body count? If this doesn’t work out, I’m sure I can find a teen escort in Lubbock to satisfy all your desires, I’ll just go back on Tinder and begin the eternity of swiping that only feels like a second. Four conversations on the go, repetitive topics. Boring! Then you match. You talk, exchange numbers and Snapchat usernames. Next, FaceTime. You talk until the sun opens its eyes. When the night covers them again and secrets can be told, the cycle repeats itself. You meet, after a month. Coffee dates and then the first night together. Rise or fall like the sheets that embrace you, this is how easy it is to meet a potential soulmate online. With the simplicity can come dangers. Catfishing and stand-ups. Does that stop the tens of millions of users visiting massage girls in Lubbock Texas? No. Why? The excitement and feel of control in the way you can present yourself and who you choose become addictive. It’s the new ecstasy- the feeling of being wanted.

Lubbock escorts is now a never ending maze and some may say has lost the authenticity and simplicity of the emotion we call love. Yet, here we are today, still enjoying the prospect of love, but in the modern way. You can have your views on escorts apps, love it or hate it, but it is undeniable that they have taken the escorts scene by the storm similar to the love they promote and are driving the way to future relationships. How? The simplicity has changed. From the simpler times when you had to step outside to meet the man from last night, to replying as and when within a heartbeat from your starlit room and your blaring screen. Furthermore, simplicity is erased in terms of emotion. There is a worry of numerous possibilities, not all positive, and many twists and turns you have to navigate around to arrive at the final destination of each relationship; love becoming a stranger again. Fate is still there, some may call a ‘match’ destiny. People are sociable creations and the networks surrounding them contribute to the definition of their existence. Heartbreak may shatter but you become an advanced version of yourself with more life stories to tell and advice to give. Had that heartbreak never occurred, you wouldn’t be with your spouse now. Pain can be beautiful, don’t let it define you. Alongside, don’t let a profile with five pictures and generic bio define you and how you perceive yourself.

Society thrives on the idea of love. The danger with these escorts platforms can provoke a pressure to download and search for this adoration of somebody. Don’t let it. If you are blessed to meet a beautiful blonde escort in Lubbock: treasure it. If you are still searching: don’t stop but don’t settle. If you wish to walk alone: embrace this and thrive. There is no right or wrong way to life, love is just one of the millions of paths, like the many strings in the web of these platforms.


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