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Are escort agencies in Coatbridge targeting female college students?

Escort agencies in Coatbridge, in particular, are easier to reach and sign up for than ever before, and many offer benefits such as letting the escort set their own appointments and providing private transport to and from client Coatbridges. Escorts falls under the sex work umbrella, although this does not always necessarily involve being sexually intimate with a client. Coatbridge escorts are companions, paid for their company and time. This usually involves going on dates or spending time with the client, potentially leading to sex, not always, but probably 90 percent of the time. Students who haven't engaged with sex work before might choose an escort agency as a starting point, as a number of higher-end agencies have guaranteed rates as well as safety measures, hand-picked clients and support on offer for their employees. Many conventional jobs simply aren't an option for students, demanding too many regular hours that students cannot sacrifice and a minimum wage that isn't enough to support their education and daily lives. Quite often these, so called better occupations, more reputable on first inspection, but sometimes with an adverse payback, simply don't exist and are more difficult to obtain than many people seem to think.

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