22 year old Ashlee joins us this weekend and is completely fresh to her new part time role as an escort and is one of our youngest and newest member of the team. She is Welsh, privately educated in England and in her second year as an Arts undergraduate in Cardiff. The way she carries herself, looks and speaks can only be described as classy - although she is funky, creative and very bright also. Tall and full breasted, her hobbies include horseriding and her last part time job was as a stable girl in Cheltenham. But escorting is a welcome career change for Ashlee.
She is far more than creative posh totty! She has a very pretty, innocent, girl next door look with cascading dark blonde hair, a slim size 8/10 figure and long shapely legs befitting the throroughbred she undoubtedly is.
She cannot wait to get started immediately and is completely bisexual which may well be an advantage given the tastes of many of our loyal clients.