What is the justification for married men who visit massage parlors in Centennial CO for sexual gratification?


If you were to picture the internet as a physical space, it would undoubtedly be where the majority of people spend most of their time. Think about it, when are you not connected? Your phone allows you to drop in and out at free will and the internet of things makes adult entertainment, information, and education all available at the touch of a button so it makes sense that it has also revolutionised the way we interact with one another. This also includes romance.


Gone are the days where you had to go to a dingy dive bar to find sex with prostitutes in Centennial who had a modicum of interest in the same things you did would also turn up at the same time on the same night. Not to mention finding out whether they were single at all was also a risk. It was essentially sinking a lot of time and effort into a numbers game where the odds were not on your side.


The escorts industry, at this point, largely existed to help you navigate this randomness by increasing your social interactions. You could film a short preview of yourself on VHS for people to cycle through, or you could go to organised events and evenings in an attempt to at least cut out the unknown factor of whether other people in the room were looking for someone or not. Then the internet came along and shook the whole business of escorts up.


The first thing to make significant changes to the escorts in Centennial experience was the advent of escorts sites. Now, through the use of algorithms you could submit information about yourself and, for a small fee, seek out people with similar interests without having to leave your home. It was the same business model as before but on a much larger scale. You could match with someone halfway around the globe and build an instant rapport over your shared love of obscure literature or underground musicians thanks to that most unromantic of things, data. The aforementioned numbers game now had a set of tangible criteria to play with as the parameters shifted from finding broad interests with those in your locality, to matching niche passions with anyone in the world.


Of course, for many this sort of cold and calculated approach to finding love was dehumanising. You lost the thrill of human interaction, the story behind how you and your partner met and also the element of chance, of learning to love new things because your partner loves them. Afterall, doesn’t the old adage go, “opposites attract”?


So, whilst the human elements of escorts were curtailed in pursuit of convenience, and even opening up a larger escorts pool, the evolution of this sort of thinking continued and the escorts app took this sort of casual approach to its logical conclusion. Smart phones mean that we can now do almost anything we like whilst on the move and escorts are not immune from that. Now, you can pull up your escorts profile on any phone or device, no matter where you are in the world, and flip through an endless mirage of names and faces casually accepting or dismissing them like you might do with groceries in your online shopping basket. If our love lives are now just perishable goods to be briefly enjoyed and then thrown away, at least Centennial escort agency girls brought that element of which every consumer desires, convenience.


That is, perhaps, a cynical view of the situation when maybe the internet has made us more demanding of what we truly deserve. Maybe we are no longer a generation prepared to settle for what we could find but rather one that will use our data to sell ourselves to the highest bidder. The person that can best meet our specific needs can be sought out and identified with ease, even if that means we have to sacrifice the heart-warming story of how we meet our partners, for one of brutal practicality. “How did I meet your mother? Well, I was scrolling through the endless feed of pictures of young women in a predetermined age range when a particularly self-serving, highly edited selfie caught my attention. When I clicked her profile, I also saw that she liked collecting video game paraphernalia from the 90s and watching the German art-house films of Werner Herzog.”


That being said, you have to put yourself out there in order to be found, so you may as well put yourself out there to the largest audience, with the greatest interest in your specific assets as possible. Alongside this, many of these apps are free and so the consumer is no longer having to pay for the privilege of trying to find love but merely sacrificing their data in order to receive greater advertising opportunities for other commodities to be marketed at them. A subscription fee for the opportunity to find ‘the one’ has been done away with so now the casual dater can also get involved in the scene, further increasing the escorts options for everyone. You can still pay for ‘premium’ experiences if you want more options to play with or if you have absent-mindedly swiped someone the wrong way and want to reclaim the chance to accept them into your lives but this suggests that we have now reached a point where the selection process is so unceremonious that the industry has found a way to monetise your easy-going rejections.


Technology has allowed us to be more specific about the Centennial call girls that we want and needs of clients, but the distance it puts between is also problematic. How we balance this is up to the user and not the industry itself as, with any industry, their ultimate goal is only to make money however that has changed through the years. Perhaps Centennial escorts are now colder and more perilous than it once was but at least it's open to everybody.

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