Are escorts in Hillsboro Oregon the new norm for single men under thirty to form permanent long-term relationships with girls that are working as sexworkers?

The escorts game. A minefield that picks up casualty’s as we endeavour to find that path of least resistance to a happy and fulfilling relationship. But what can we do to try and make that journey a little less perilous? The big question is whether escorts sites are becoming the new norm for finding long term love.

Now please do not get me wrong, we have gratefully progressed from the days of Neanderthal man, when going clubbing to gain the attention of the fairer sex, had a vastly different meaning. 

And it was a large leap from there to the 17th century, when the first lonely heart advert was placed in ‘A Collection For Improvement Of Husbandry and Trade’, for a good young gentlewoman with a fortune of $3000. 

But where do we stand nowadays? Some 300 years later and we find ourselves at the mercy of the internet. Where the expectation of instantaneous gratification can be found in the apps that require a simple swipe right, or the occasional image of oneself in your birthday suit.

But what if you are looking for something more fulfilling than occasional hookups and one-night stands? Do escorts sites offer the opportunity to build long term meaningful relationships that can stand the test of time? 

In a nutshell, yes! In this modern, fast paced, pandemic driven world we have been given the opportunity to communicate with the simple push of a button. We can engage, tease and flirt while sitting in our pyjamas and having our first cup of dark nectar in the morning. No need for the pro forma grooming rituals and shots of Dutch courage before raising our voices over the excessively loud music at your watering hole of choice.

My couple of decades and change working in Health and Fitness management has revealed a troubling and ever-growing misconception with society’s perception of self-image. The filters and cropping of pictures, fake tan and pumping iron in the attempt to create the perfect online appearance, are advanced in the evolutionary scale, but differ little from the overt and colourful displays found in the animal kingdom. We create an image of ourselves that we think people want to see, instead of showing them who we really are.

And this is where escorts sites come to the rescue. With their advanced algorithms and personality profiling questionnaires, you are afforded the opportunity to build the foundations of a relationship with like-minded people, who’s compatibility has been preselected to ensure the small things that matter to you, are aligned with your prospective suitors. And all of this happens long before the opening thrust and parry of wit and attempted hilarity.

I spoke with a couple of friends who visit massage parlors in Hillsboro on a regular basis and found the results to be incredibly positive. The gent in question has been in a relationship for more than two years, is currently engaged and would have been married this year were it not for the accursed Covid regulations, stopping them from having the big day they both want.

A long-time friend of the family had been married previously and struggled to find a man since her divorce. A successful businesswoman, very pretty and an all-round nice person, but completely unable to find someone that she felt confident in investing her time. A couple of months after using one of the more well-known matchmaking sites, we are flooded with messages about arranging dinners and nights out for us to meet the new man. Fast forward four years and they are happily married with a young son. Now this will not necessarily be the case for everyone, but thus far in my experience, the proof is in the happy relationship pudding.

A man far smarter than I once explained to me that a main characteristic of a successful relationship was the need for you and your partner to make sure that every day began with the understanding that you would both build a bridge to compromise. Relationships should be give and take, when one of you needs lifted, your partner in crime picks up the slack to get you back to your best, and vice versa.  

The essential characteristic of these sites is to separate the wheat from the chaff and give their users the opportunity to find that partner in crime, and more importantly, to be something that most people are terrified to be. Themselves. Here lies the hardest aspect of escorts and relationships. The real you. Whether you like it or not every date, one night stand or relationship you have encountered, will have left you with positives and negatives of your time together. I personally feel that to get the best use from sites that are set out to help people build relationships with adult contacts in Hillsboro seeking no fees, no strings sexual encounters, is to try and remember the essentials to your own happiness and allow your provider of choice to match you with those like-minded people that can, potentially, tickle your fancy. 

Now excuse me if you did not order the extra cheese with this article, but if long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, going hiking and affection for a certain animal are aspects of a loving and caring relationship, and are truly important to you, why would you want to waste your time with anything or anyone that doesn’t meet the relationship benchmark that these sites can help you set?   

Speaking from a parental point of view, I believe that it is my responsibility to set a minimum expectation for my daughter to know how she should be treated. Daddy daughter days, holding the door open to let her go first, allowing her to experience what it is like to be treated like a lady. How many of us have allowed our expectations to be tainted because of bad experiences, slowly wearing away the love we once had for ourselves? This could be the perfect opportunity to seize that self-love back again. 

If this is what you are looking for, take a deep breath, remember the things that you hold true in a relationship and get yourself registered on one of these sites. The hardest part of any journey is the first step.

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