Escorts sites are NOT the future. They are the norm right now and they are here to stay. There. I said it. In our modern society – one in which “same-day delivery” doesn’t seem to be quite quick enough – (other escort platforms are available) are rapidly developing to meet the ever-growing needs of their users. From hook-ups to long-term relationships, extramarital affairs to escorting, the modern escort site gives the user the power to seek out whatever they wish from the comfort of their toilet seat.

Let me take a second to just point out that the gay community had a three-year head start on the heterosexual one. Props have to go to xlamma for introducing the geographically based escorts system. It was a natural progression. Look at it like this, as a straight man I’ve never been to a bad gay bar. Everyone is history, knows what they are looking for... and the music is always amazing!

Xlamma is the frontrunner nowadays and it’s easy to see why. You take the most flattering pictures of yourself and add them to your profile and then you write something witty in your bio to try and attract as many matches as possible. There’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to the addiction to the “New Match” notification.

The key factor as to why it’s so normal to be on Tinder these days is just how easy it is to meet a large volume and variety of people. You don’t have to leave the house. The user can sit there in their underwear, (or not in underwear, it’s a free country), hungover behind the veil that is their profile, and swipe through the pile of beautiful people in their area.

That pre-site need to “graft” in a nightclub or overpriced bar in the 80s or 90s is gone! The site is free, buy a £20 round of drinks before you’re even on a date no more. Granted there are premium versions which I suspect gain you some sort of superpower OR your profile is simply seen a lot more, I’m a hastily average looking bloke and my 1-month stint with Premium on Tinder garnered more than double my previous matches AND I met the woman I’ve now been with for 4 years. I’m watching you Premium services.

It also makes sense when you see how many escorts are offering their services on escort site. From a logical perspective it’s free advertising and the escort in question can also choose who he or she would like to match/do business with from the safety of their own home. Thought I’d throw in my two pence on that subject.

It also lessens the chance of public rejection. Yes, some people may feel that this is character-building and necessary, however, a bad rejection in a place you and your friends may frequently visit could be likened to social suicide. So, what better way to avoid this? Go to the site store! As stated before, there are plenty of site to choose from. If you’re a woman and done with dealing with cheesy chat-up lines and dick pics then get on Bumble where the woman has to message their match first. I’m not sure how that works with lesbian and gay users... ah, don’t worry, Google has informed me that either side can message first in this instance so it’s just another escorts site unless you’re a straight woman. Onwards and upwards.

Escort agency websites allow you to chat with someone before meeting them face-to-face, and it’s only when you read that back to yourself on paper that it almost becomes the most sensible idea in the world. You sacrifice the magic of locking eyes across the room maybe – and again, I’m sceptical about how often this actually hsiteens, the only times I’ve had sex with astranger when I found local women seeking mature men on xlamma’s adult contacts in Suffolk, I’ve either had some drunk try and fight me or been grimaced at – but you gain a sense of building a connection with someone by chatting to and getting to know somebody a bit first before that first date.

We have to consider that at the end of the day these are site. Just another form of technology. So, you can guarantee that they will only continue to develop and get better. When I first dipped my hairy toes into the waters of Tinder “for a laugh”, you could have 6 pictures, a short bio and you could swipe right on 25 potential matches from the pile per day – naturally, the first 25 girls that were presented to me were swiped right and my first experience with Tinder was over in about 2 minutes flat. Then came the sex with Suffolk massage girls, you got one chance a day to shoot your shot and definitely get noticed and you got five chances to do this with Premium. A strange little development about groups then situated which my friends and I never really got into. Some strange update then put you at the top of the local pile to be judged, I think it was Surge or something similar, that was near the end of my Tinder career. The whole point being, there will always be a new update or feature to keep everyone engaged with the site.

I think that the biggest indicator of the escorts site being accepted as normal is just how common it is to see it spoken about today and how the format is no longer limited to escorts in Suffolk. If you mentioned that you were going on a “Tinder date” when the site originated it was the perfect chance for your mates to give you a bit of stick but nowadays meeting up for drink with someone off of an escorts site is commonplace and people don’t even bat an eyelid. Some job site now use the swiping system and it's become ingrained in our behaviour. Finally, Manchester City have a multi-year partnership with Tinder, quickly becoming one of the biggest football clubs and brands in the sporting world and they didn’t think twice about having that little flame dancing along their pitch-side advertising displays.

Escorts in Suffolk VA are normal, and they’re here to stay. There. I said it.


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