My life as a Bend escort


Sara’s story; Finding an Indian escort in Bend OR with a large Indian population is not as easy as one would think. I am a mixed race girl, my Mother is English and my Father is from the West Indies. Everyone always thought I was an Indian girl, I have long straight black hair, a western nose and my skin colour is light brown. I knew that Indian men are a horny bunch and I also knew that they would want an Indian escort, especially for a teenage Indian escort in Bend. Even though I don’t speak Hindu or Urdu or any other Indian language I managed to pass myself off to hundreds of Indian punters in Bend as an authentic Desi girl who was brought up in the UK. Although Indian men always want to haggle with my prices for full sex or a blowjob I make up for the lower prices with the volume of traffic I get through my Bend massage apartment. My biggest day of clients ringing my doorbell was twenty five, sometimes I can’t believe it myself, I actually let twenty five men fuck me in a single day. I sometimes get other Bend escorts calling me on the phone telling me that I am ruining their business by lowering my prices, but that’s business, if my way of making money from working as prostitutes in Bend is to lower my prices and see more clients in a day than they see in a week then so be it. You can find the best Indian escort in Bend on escort directories such as Xlamma escorts and Edusa.


Bola’s story;

As an African girl in Bend I knew that I would have to work hard to compete with the blonde escorts in Bend. Most men like to see blonde girls and men in Bend are no exception. When I first decided to become a call girl or a night-bird as some people call me I wanted to be the best black escort in Oregon. I knew that white men found me sexy and wanted to sleep with me but that was as far as they wanted to go with me. I had lots of dates with white men, but they just wanted me for sex and then would never want to see me again. So I set about capitalizing on my looks and sexy demeanour by becoming a Oregon escort. I now happily see many married white men during the course of a day, all of them want to have sex with me, which is ok now because they pay me. Before I used to have sex with them because I thought the genuinely liked me. Like most black prostitutes in Bend I have to be one step better than the white girls who work as sex workers in Bend. To find black escorts in Bend you can see them here.


What is the difference between Bend prostitutes and girls working for massage parlors in Bend?

 Escorts generally work for an escort agency or they are what is classed as independent escorts. They are booked ahead of time and are hired for companionship. Unlike prostitutes who accept clients from wherever they find them, street corners, stopping in cars, areas that are known as pick-up beats where prostitutes ply their trade. Escorts can pick and choose their clients and what level of engagement they are comfortable with, also they would have a level of verification of the clients they are going to visit. 


Prostitutes who work in brothels or on the street corners of certain areas in city centres can have pimps, are known for their drug addiction and they don’t earn as much as escorts and are hired solely for sexual gratification. Even with these differences, escorts face the same societal stigmas as Bend prostitutes and other sex workers. The overall majority of student sex workers in Oregon have had a positive experience, with many even enjoying their work.

But there is a downside too. The same study revealed that students who are engaged in the sex industry face “institutionalised stigma and prejudice which hinders their health and wellbeing as well as social inclusion.” Besides the obvious safety concerns, the job can be emotionally demanding. Off duty, the pressure to conceal their occupation from their friends and family can take a huge emotional toll. There is the fear and anxiety of being ‘outed’ and the subsequent shame and humiliation, which can take years to fade. As with any career path, there are pros and cons and it really depends on the individual. Society may still raise an eyebrow but the notion of sex work is definitely becoming vanilla, and society is becoming more accepting of the women that, for whatever reason, at some stage in their life, decided that becoming a sex worker and engaging as Bend escorts was the right course of action.


How has the internet changed the escort business in Oregon?

 The internet is a remarkable place, and if you put your mind to it, virtually anything can be purchased or accessed from the comfort of your own home. This now holds true for online escort services. Gone are the days of guiltily crawling along some shady alleyway with blacked-out windows to do business, instead sexual encounters can take place in more private Bends with pre-agreed arrangements. No mess, no fuss (no pun intended). Clients can even leave reviews from their experiences with escorts. This incentivises escorts to leave their customers satisfied as positive reviews can lead to a plethora of new business.

For internet-savvy call girls in Bend, there are endless avenues to market themselves online to bring in new clients. Networking is a core pillar of good business practise and this no different for modern-day sex workers. Whilst prostitution is strictly against the term of service for many websites and apps, using the likes of Instagram, OnlyFans or Snapchat as a gateway to entice potential clients is a very feasible business plan.


Does the evolution from prostitute to escort haunt the girls who are now trying to upgrade the profession into a legitimate business. To the bona fide escort agencies in Bend OR they are looking to a time when their escort agency can become a franchise 

Almost all social trends are considered risqué when they first arrive on the scene. Only a few years ago the thought of telling your friends, let alone your family that you have a penchant for visiting escorts and massage girls in Bend would have been met with gasps of incredulity. But now the admission would be met, by some more liberal thinkers, as a thumbs-up, well done, what’s it like, and so on. 


How safe is it for working girls becoming escorts and massage girls in Bend OR?


Many programmes have been designed to keep Oregon call girls safe, but one app in particular by the name of Ugly Mugs has gone the extra mile to keep them safe worldwide. It helps connect sex workers by exposing dangerous clients, guys that, in the past have been violent, abusive towards the women they have hired. This for all intents and purposes a blacklist of dangerous clients from Ugly Mugs users with the common sense to steer clear of dangerous individuals. Whilst these measures do not entirely eliminate the dangers for female escorts or massage girls in Bend being safe, it certainly diminishes the danger, and as the online escort business continues to develop, new strategies may reduce this risk to the Bend escort agency girls and the massage parlor workers even further.

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